Friday, November 20, 2009

Why Lifting Weights Won't Make Women Bulky

1.  Women don't have enough testosterone (unless they're East German Olympians).  Testosterone is a male hormone that, among other things, helps to build muscle.

2.  Women bodybuilders take hormones and steriods to build their muscles - it's not natural.

3  Heavy weights promote STRENGTH, not bulk.

4.  Women get toned, not bulky, when they lift weights (see #1)

5.  Bulking up requires more calories than you are burning.  Eating correctly will avoid any excess bodyweight.

6.  Women who think "I'm bulking up !!" are most likely becoming more toned and their body shape reflects that - seeing muscles you always had seems like you gained them - in fact, you simply found them.

Women should lift weights just like men. 

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