Tuesday, March 9, 2010

When It Comes to Longevity, Regular Exercise May Be the Most Potent Weapon Against Disease

From the Wall St Journal, courtesy of my friend John Murphy, an excellent CrossFitter in his own right.


"The leading edge of the baby boom generation turns 65 next year, which means a new milestone looms on the horizon: age 85.

So what do boomers need to do not just to survive to 85, but to live healthy lives into old age and not break the bank at the federal Medicare program?

The most important strategy, according to the latest research to look at the question, is to be physically active in middle age. "If you are fit in mid-life, you double your chance of surviving to 85," says Jarett Berry, a cardiologist at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas."

"...despite an array of effective drugs and other medical advances, the front line for most of us in the battle to prevent heart disease and survive into old age lies in adopting healthy living habits."

"On average, we tend to participate in less physical activity and be less fit each year after about age 30," says Donald M. Lloyd-Jones.

National guidelines recommended Americans get at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise five times a week or 20 minutes of intense physical activity three times a week to maintain fitness  (gee - CrossFit fits the bill quite nicely, don't ya think ?)

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