Monday, March 15, 2010


You guys have done a great job in the last 2-3 months - more pull ups, push ups, huge numbers on the deadlift.

Let's focus on consistency - if you were not consistent, you would not have made such big improvements.  Coming to class 3 times a week is consistent.  If you skip classes, make it only 2 x a week, don't give it your all, you are not doing yourself any favors.  When you miss 2 classes in a row, or show up whenever, there really is no way you will continue to make gains.  It's just not possible.

Look - I know better than anyone that LIFE HAPPENS.  You get sick, friends come to town, happy hours, gatherings - it happens - and you should absolutely make time for family and friends.

However, if you know you won't be able to be there on a regular day, come on a different one.  There's nothing wrong with coming MWTh if that's what it takes.  But you have to make the effort.  When you haven't worked out for 6-7 days as a beginner, you regress a bit.  Maybe you don't lose strength, or endurance, but your recovery certainly takes a hit, and you have the potential to be more sore than usual. 

YOU have to make the effort to make it to class on a consistent basis.  I can't / won't force people to come to class.  You have to want to make the gains that CrossFit has the potential to give you.  But you won't make gains by being inconsistent.

See you in class !!!

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