Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Mind over Body

I tell you guys and gals that when you say "I can't" you have lost the battle without ever fighting.  You have to believe you can accomplish the skill or workout that we throw at you.  When you have a negative mindset, when you say "I can't lift that weight / do that exercise / do that many reps / rounds, etc" then you won't - it's simple.  Negative "I can't" statements will lead to failure, before you ever start. 

Instead, tell yourself "I've never done that before but I think I can, I'll try it" or " I can do this, I did x before, this won't be hard".  You WILL accomplish the task before you.  Positive thinking does wonders for your physical abilities.  If you tell me you can only do x number of pull ups, I'll make you do x + 2 to prove you can do more and to stop being so damned negative towards your abilities.

Check this out....this is mind over body - and this guy accomplishes great things doing CrossFit


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