Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Infectious Nature of CrossFit (CrossFit Ramstein)

Webster’s Online Dictionary lists several definitions for the word infectious. Among those definitions, one in particular stands out: “spreading or capable of spreading rapidly to others”.

In most cases, the word infectious may lend an immediate reaction—perhaps one of negative connotation. An infectious illness…an infectious disease. It pleads to “stay away” or “keep your distance”. Not in this case.

Think back to before you started CrossFitting. Seriously…take a few moments and visualize what you used to do. How did you feel? Who was with you? What did you take away from your workout? Okay, now erase all of those thoughts and visualize what you do now. Answer the same questions. Are they different? They most certainly are, aren’t they? You were infected—infected with the CrossFit bug.

Some may consider us strange; they even may consider us ridiculous and melodramatic at times. Worry not my friends…it is just the infection. Are you prepared to accept something you may consider preposterous? There may not be a cure to this infectious thing we call CrossFit. That’s okay.

Ah…your thoughts can be read. There is sense of doubt; a sense of disbelief. Understood. Here a few examples of the infection:

1) One gentlemen…one CrossFitter by the name of Mike Donohue trained with us here at CrossFit Ramstein. Mike was, and still is, full of fire and passion for the kind of fitness we endlessly seek. He found it…he was infected. When it became time for him to leave us, he took with him that fire and passion. Just a few months into his new assignment, Mike stood up CrossFit Warren. And the infection spread.

2) Another gentlemen (and of course, CrossFitter) by the name of Victor Cruz came to CrossFit Ramstein with the desire to make a change…a lifestyle change. Victor was immediately infected. During the months that he was with us, the “affliction” caused him to lose almost 40 pounds and gain unbelievable strength. Where is Victor now? He is one of the head trainers of Functional Fitness Osan—he took his skills and desire with him to South Korea.

3) Kari Kundert: Female fire-breather finds functional fitness fascinating and fun. Alliteration aside, yes, Kari is also infected with the CrossFit bug. She also was one of CrossFit Ramstein’s original athletes…seeing us grow through our infant stages all the way to adulthood. What an integral part of our program…a role model for other up-and-coming female CrossFit athletes. She too, has such a passion for CrossFit that she created Wolf Pack CrossFit in South Korea.

Infectious. CrossFit is infectious. Never before have we seen a program that pierces one’s mind, body, and heart such as CrossFit has. Once you acquire the infection, you are lost. Lost in the world of functional fitness, unyielding community support, and the tireless drive for excellence. And not just in the gym—the infection transcends the boundaries of the box. It reaches previously unfathomable levels of confidence, consciousness, and calling.

Melodramatic you may say? Nah…simply passionate

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